Job Connection
We help participants assess their career goals, prepare strong resumes and cover letters, identify prospective employers, and conduct successful job interviews.
Let us help you with your next milestone!

Resume Writing

Job Placement

Employment Skills Training
Are You Ready to Find a Job?
We provide free job-placement services to individuals seeking community-based jobs. We help participants assess their career goals, prepare strong resumes and cover letters, identify prospective employers, and conduct successful job interviews.
We Provide
- Employability skills training
- Assistance with labor market information
- Interest testing
- Assistance with writing resumes & filling out applications
- Job development
- Job search assistance
- Job leads
- Referrals for other services as needed
- Job placement
- Computer, fax, phone, and printer

Do You Meet The Criteria?
- Be unemployed or underemployed
- Have no current substance abuse problems
- Be currently job ready
- Be at least 16 years of age
Seeking to Expand Your Team? Discover How Goodwill Manasota Can Assist Employers Like You!
Are you an employer in search of qualified, dedicated candidates to join your team? Look no further! We offer comprehensive services tailored to meet your hiring needs. From job fairs to recruitment assistance, we’re here to support your business growth. Partner with us today and unlock the potential of your workforce!