Supported Jobs Plus
Helps individuals with significant physical, psychiatric or intellectual disabilities gain positive personal and workplace behaviors and skills while earning a paycheck through job opportunities at Goodwill.
Employing Amazing People With Disabilities
Our Supported Jobs Plus program helps individuals with physical, psychiatric, or intellectual deficits gain positive personal and workplace behaviors and skills. While they are learning they are earning a paycheck through employment opportunities at Goodwill. The program features workplace accommodations and access to job and life coaches.

Working With Great Partners In Our Community
Individuals entering the Supported Jobs Plus program are referred by job coaches at partnering agencies, which include The Haven, Easterseals-Southwest Florida, Loveland Center, and others. External job coaches initially work with new team members on training and employment skills.
Once team members are no longer eligible for external job coaching services, the Good Partner Coach provides follow-up services.
The Supported Jobs Plus program has taught us that it is not enough to concentrate solely on vocational issues. We have learned that for a person with disabilities to experience true, sustainable success, we needed to provide direct, long-term case management. With ongoing support through our Supported Jobs Plus program, 90% will be on the job after two years.

Find out more about our Supported Jobs Plus Program?
Inquire about a great job with Goodwill Manasota through our Supported Jobs Plus Program. Together we can help you achieve your goals today.